Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Petroleum Analyzer

XOS delivers breakthrough elemental analysis solutions for the petroleum industry. Innovative x-ray fluorescence technology powers the detection and precision capability of these analyzers. The analyzer’s ease-of-use and reliability enable their operation in tough environments from mobile vans, to refineries plants and pipeline terminal.

Sindie 7039 M-Series Bench-Top Analyzer

From ultra low sulfur diesel and gasoline to heavy fuel oil and crudes, the Sindie 7039 analyzer delivers unprecedented precision and accuracy. The analyzer is the ultimate easy-to-use and robust sulfur analyzer for petroleum and bio fuels. The ideal analytical solution for the energy industry where detection, performance and reliability are critical. SINDIE 7039 complies with ASTM D7039 and ISO 20884 methods. Plug it in and measure. Results with one touch. Unrivaled precision.

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