Thursday, May 5, 2011

Isotope effects

The different isotopes in a particular species may give fine detail in infrared spectroscopy. For example, the O–O stretching frequency (in reciprocal centimeters) of oxyhemocyanin is experimentally determined to be 832 and 788 cm−1 for ν(16O–16O) and ν(18O–18O), respectively.

By considering the O–O bond as a spring, the wavenumber of absorbance, ν can be calculated:

\nu = \frac{1}{2 \pi c} \sqrt{\frac{k}{\mu}}

where k is the spring constant for the bond, c is the speed of light, and μ is the reduced mass of the A–B system:

\mu = \frac{m_A m_B}{m_A + m_B}

(mi is the mass of atom i).

The reduced masses for 16O–16O and 18O–18O can be approximated as 8 and 9 respectively. Thus

\frac{\nu(^{16}O)}{\nu(^{18}O)} = \sqrt{\frac{9}{8}} \approx \frac{832}{788}.

Where ν is the wavenumber; [wavenumber = frequency/(speed of light)]

The effect of isotopes, both on the vibration and the decay dynamics, has been found to be stronger than previously thought. In some systems, such as silicon and germanium, the decay of the anti-symmetric stretch mode of interstitial oxygen involves the symmetric stretch mode with a strong isotope dependence. For example, it was shown that for a natural silicon sample, the lifetime of the anti-symmetric vibration is 11.4 ps. When the isotope of one of the silicon atoms is increased to 29Si, the lifetime increases to 19 ps. In similar manner, when the silicon atom is changed to 30Si, the lifetime becomes 27 ps.[4]

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